Publication details

A Survey of Networked Microgrid Operation under the Transactive Energy Paradigm

Publication data

Journal article  Open access
Kai Zhang, Lalita Subramanian, Weitao Yao, Jiyan Wu, Si-Yue Zhang, Sebastian Troitzsch, Tobias Massier and Yan Xu
Published in:
Energy Conversion and Economics, vol. 4, no. 5
(Electronic ISSN: 2634-1581)
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (Wiley), Hoboken (New Jersey, United States of America)
Publication date:
October 2023
This study presents a comprehensive review of networked micro-grid (NMG) operations under the transactive energy paradigm. Specifically, we aimed to identify and analyze the key aspects of transactive NMG models, including operational scenarios, ownership models, transactive operation designs, prosumer behavior, and business models. This is accompanied by a review of real-world applications and analysis of current research trends. With several research gaps identified, this study provides different views on the challenges in mathematical modeling and real-world deployment of NMG.
Electricity market, Networked micro-grid operation, Transactive models, Policy

Further information

Part of project:



  author    = {Zhang, Kai and Subramanian, Lalita and Yao, Weitao and Wu, Jiyan and Zhang, Si-Yue and Troitzsch, Sebastian and Massier, Tobias and Xu, Yan},
  title     = {A Survey of Networked Microgrid Operation under the Transactive Energy Paradigm},
  year      = {2023},
  month     = oct,
  journal   = {Energy Conversion and Economics},
  issn      = {2634-1581},
  publisher = {Wiley},
  address   = {Hoboken, NJ, US},
  volume    = {4},
  number    = {5},
  pages     = {303--316},
  doi       = {10.1049/enc2.12100},
  keywords  = {Electricity market, Networked micro-grid operation, Transactive models, Policy},
  author       = {Zhang, Kai and Subramanian, Lalita and Yao, Weitao and Wu, Jiyan and Zhang, Si-Yue and Troitzsch, Sebastian and Massier, Tobias and Xu, Yan},
  title        = {A Survey of Networked Microgrid Operation under the Transactive Energy Paradigm},
  date         = {2023-10},
  journaltitle = {Energy Conversion and Economics},
  issn         = {2634-1581},
  publisher    = {Wiley},
  location     = {Hoboken, NJ, US},
  volume       = {4},
  number       = {5},
  pages        = {303--316},
  doi          = {10.1049/enc2.12100},
  keywords     = {Electricity market, Networked micro-grid operation, Transactive models, Policy},
