Singapore aims to reduce its carbon footprint. Renewable energies are a good opportunity to do this.
Due to Singapore's small land size, the most promising form of renewable energy is solar photovoltaics (PV).
However, it is expected that there is also a small geothermal potential, particularly in the north-eastern part of Singapore. The aim of this project is to provide insights on how to best extract and deploy infrastructure and expertise to harness Singapore’s geothermal potential for urban applications.
Part of the project is test drilling at two sites in Singapore. In September 2022, drilling started at the Admiralty site. In May 2023, the drilling was concluded at a depth of approximately 1100 metres, while drilling at the Sembawang site commenced on 1 June 2023.
The first findings of the drilling are promising.
Our press release from 28 July 2023 gained nation-wide attention and was published on page 1 of Straitstimes, one of the main news papers in Singapore.
Alessandro Romagnoli and I were interviewed live on “Singapore Tonight” on Singapore's top news TV channel CNA on the same day.
A few days later, the findings of our project were discussed in parliament.
TUMCREATE’s role in this project is to analyse from a life cycle assessment perspective what applications we can drive given the available geothermal resources. The applications to be considered are district cooling (e.g. of data centres/estates), district heating, desalination of sea water, and power generation. This analysis will be combined with a cost-benefit analysis of the possible applications.