PRIMO is a project funded under the EDGE (Exploiting Distributed Generation) Programme, jointly funded by the Energy Market Authority (EMA) and the Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT).
With new sources of power supply such as solar photovoltaics and electric vehicles as new loads, new strategies for grid management are required.
These grid management strategies are easier to implement in small sub-grids, so-called micro-grids. Eventually, these micro-grids shall be able to benefit one another with the help of market frameworks for interconnected micro-grid operation.
The goal of the project is therefore to create a platform for interconnected micro-grid operation (PRIMO) that will be capable of maintaining safe operation of local micro-grids and exchange between micro-grids and the main grid.
This comprises cost-optimal control of flexible distributed energy systems (DES), coordination with neighbouring micro-grids, and participation in the national electricity market. The framework is to be demonstrated for a study area at Punggol in Singapore within the intended Punggol Digital District (PDD) micro-grid system.
TUMCREATE leads two work packages. One deals with models for flexible DES (V2G-enabled electric vehicle (EV) charging as well as demand side flexibility in air-conditioned buildings). This includes user behaviour and social acceptance of DES. The other work package is about designing the coordination framework and communication protocol for neighbouring micro-grid interaction.
We intend to apply our results on the forthcoming SIT@Punggol campus micro-grid.