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SITEM — Singapore Integrated Transport and Energy Model

SITEM Project – Title Picture
May 2020 – May 2022
My role:
Co-Investigator, Energy Team Lead
Lead institution:
Partner institution:


This research project supported Singapore’s planning for the transition to electric vehicles (EVs) nationwide. SITEM was commissioned by the Science and Technology Policy and Plans Office (S&TPPO), Prime Minister’s Office, and involved numerous Singapore agencies and other government bodies.
It aimed to advance the nation’s capabilities in integrated modelling and simulation of transport and power systems by conducting a comprehensive analysis of projected electric vehicle (EV) charging patterns and energy demand in order to support policymaking on Singapore’s budget 2040 vision for all vehicles to run on cleaner energy.

At TUMCREATE, we contributed to this project with our tools CityMoS, a large-scale microscopic mobility simulator developed by the Computational Modelling Research Department and MESMO, a power system simulation and optmisation tool developed in my group.
Before the end of the project, we successfully coupled both tools in order to be able to avoid potential grid bottlenecks due to charging EVs in real time.

In 2021, the Energy Market Authority published a media release on “Singapore's first digital twin for national power grid” mentioning A*Star and TUMCREATE for having developed the network twin.
As part of the SITEM Team, I received the MTI Borderless Silver Award at the Firefly Awards 2022.
In 2023, the project received the One Public Service Award as part of the Public Sector Transformation Awards.

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